Hey there fellas.
Im just one final away from finishing high school. Im really excited and scared at the same time
It feels weird to know My life is going to make a drastic change soon. I have got so used to just live based on a system, wake up, go to school, back home, animate a bit, party on weekends and again and again and again,...
I will quite probably leave my town and study animation somewhere in my country but the truth is I don´t really know If I want to. I want to study animation in U.S.A. but it is not like Ive got the dough and the complete approval of my family to do this. And... you know. its just not the same thing.
Plus...most teachers here do not have any idea how a cartoon is made. Most universities in Mexico are just a lot of paperwork and word documents and little or nule learning. Most of the universities I have considered believe 2d animation is dead and that the future belongs to 3d animators. for this reason, most of the 3d animators I have met that try to use a 2d program, as flash, are not nearly as good as they should be, and logically they don´t have the same effectiveness in 3D itself because they did not learn the foundations of animation. Thing is you need to know how to animate 2d before jumping to 3D or you will allways suck.
This "3D only" way of thinking is one of the many things I dislike about animation schools here, and animation in general in Mexico.
the latin american animation industry is like every other product that comes out of here. mediocre.
Its always really sad for me to see that some of the most lazyly made flash shorts are refered to as "animation" even tough there is probably not a single bit of animation in them.
My favorite example is this abomination of a flash cartoon series that is transmited in MTv here.
I dont think the author of this horrible things has never in his life taken a pencil in his hand and touched a paper with it.
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oh lmao look I found some of it here in ng.
I cant believe this guy used to get payed to do these things.
It is transmitted sometimes on a segment called "animasivo" wich means 30% or more of the content consists of tweens having conversations.
Other example (not transmitted in mtv) is this live sitcom transformed into a cartoon that I dont know If I like or not.
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But not everything is lost.
This is probably the most ambitious animation project Ive seen produced by a latin american animation company. It is basically derived of a mexican testicle joke wich was later on transformed into some sort of"entertainment for the whole family" thing. it looks ok I guess I will probably give it a shot sometime.
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One of the things I really dislike about mexican tv is the tendency to completely rip off ideas from shows from other countries. Ever seen American idol? We had LA ACADEMIA. Ever seen David letherman, we have "es de noche y ya llegue" (you are suposed to look for these things in google to compare them because I dont want to embed 4 aditional videos here).
Animationwise we also stole the concept of "Vh1 ILL-ustrated". but we say puta and pendejo isntead of bitch and asshole and we do it a lot more than you fine folks will ever do
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Anyway If I ever get some sort of job In the animation industry, no... If I ever get to ANIMATION SCHOOL I really hope it is in united states because around these parts I dont like what I see no sireee.
Sorry this is just me venting
Now that Ive stopped my ferocius bitching there is something I want to add
Ive been considering to postpone this long project of mine and make some short cartoons for a while. I´ve been wanting to work on something different for a month or so. Its been a while since I actually submitted something I worked more than a day on anyway.
The good news is Now ive got a lot more time, and skill I didnt have before, to work on these things, so lets see how it goes.
oh and dont forget to have your dayly dose of funnies!!! YUMMY!