Hey there
been a while
get ready for some nasty text-wallisation
So I dont know If I mentioned this before but a month ago I moved to Monterrey (here in Mexico).
I came here because the only (probably) decent animation school in Mexico is here. Its called ATLI school of art.
I feel like it is more oriented to... well.. art (art as in painting in a cavas and learning to use a lot of real life instruments) than animation tough. Im not saying this is a problem because I know that expanding your skills in a canvas you can actually touch will make your digital art and drawings much better. Problem is, Im not interested in making a living out of painting and shit. I like to MAKE cartoons, and I know I want to make cool stuff. but I dont think I have any class that is actually related to making cartoons.
my fear is that the classes in following semesters will be as distanced as this first one from cartoon making, I mean seriously theres like 70 people in my carreer and from what Ive seen only 5 make flash cartoons or cartoons in any way,heck some of the people I have met dont know how to draw at all.
And (im going to sound really gay now) I probably draw better than 80% of the people Ive seen in my classes. Most of them draw anime similar to this.(this is a very negative thing)
Now there ARE quite a few people in my school that actually make some really nice drawings. Dessuu Anime and furries , but still nicelly drawn I guess. Im probably the only person who does not worship eat dream and breathe anime in this school. If you lived in any part of Mexico, youd know what Im talking about.
my first impression before coming here was that they took the graphic design carreer then threw a couple of animation shits in there and called the carreer "digital art and animation". However, seeing some of the drawings made by students that are about to complete the carreer, I have changed my mind. Some of these guys are really skilled and talented and I love to see how they came in here with skills similar to my own at this moment.
Either way I feel like im going to learn a lot and have a lot of fun, ive only been here one month and I already feel Ive learned a lot about drawing, wich in this moment is my main concern.
Im living in an appartment near campus. sure Its hard to get away from family and friends but it is also very nice to have a place to call your own where you can just chill and walk naked. lol not really I live with 4 dudes. :/
So enough bullshit about myself already.
Vince the vodoo doll-delayed fuck you
This year could be described in one word. CANCELLED. I think I have cancelled or delayed like 4 "mayor" projects this year.
FOLLOW THE LIGHT: a cartoon I was planning to do meanwhile I finished "vince the vodoo doll" wich will never get done without me tweeing everything all gay
Both of my power of 3 games are not going to see the light of day
the first one, topsy turvy outlaw, simply got delayed and delayed because we simply werent able to take this project till the end. I feel like we did a lot of music, designed levels, gameplay, a lot of characters for nothing. Mostly I feel like its my fault. I have a lot of animation issues id like to overcome before making this game. we plan to restart the process and release it because some ideas are really good to never see life out of our computers
the second one was "split". Long story short, paperbat broke up with me for the 16th time because I told him clocks for clock day movies are not hard to draw. I dont know how hans feels about this.
I havent talked to both of them in a looooooong time now so yeh this is oficially dead. we split ways LOLZ
yeah im really disapointed with how things have come out this year.
I do have a few flashes that will come out.
On the very night I moved in here I finished my part for "close to home".A collab organized by mexifry. he has not released it yet because the group that payed us to do that music video apparently has run in a few problems in this moment and they want us to release it later. fair enough. I dont know when will he release it tough.
I also joined the disney collab. My parts coming along I guess!
It will be released realllly soon!
oh also here are my picks for the best of this month thing.