this morning I worked like an hour in gay cartoon of mine called vince the vodoo dolls and I only got half a second done.
Ive got done exactly 74 seconds out of 125
that means im still missing 51 seconds.
so basically all I need to do is fucking no sleep and ill be done in 102 hours (4. days and 6 hours).
tbh the cartoon doesnt look that impressive (to me) so I wonder, am I doing something wrong? what bad habits do I have that are slowing me down on the production of this/anything I do?
I hate to work on a single keyframe more than 4 minutes, and I do! I have not developed a smart strategy to work on my cartoons as fast as I want. I believe if someone else other than me was working on this theyd probably be done months by now.
its hard for me to believe how some of my early animations (sprite ones) took me like 3 h.ours to make.
good times.
sorry for gay post I just had to like vent that out there.
oh and I have submitted a lot of drawings so you can review/enjoy too if you want!
Ill get back to work.
I've been trying different ways to go about it,
but I've found that roughing through the entire thing with
very sketchy, quick drawings to get timings and everything
else down and in place works well.
Then I typically refine those sketches again to get it right.
Then after that looks good,
I go back and render graphics.
Animation takes a long time to do, and even longer to do well.
Practice and such will make you better/faster, naturally.
ya man. when I started this cartoon I didnt believe in sketches, you know like I wanted to just "skip that shit" and move on to animating it without drawing the same frame twice.
now thats a bad habbit. the nicest and better animated parts so far are the ones that I did sketch.