So ive been a fan of one of newgrounds most prominent english speaking frame by frame artists hulalaoo for some time now so I decided it would be cool to make a tribute collab for him :=)
ok its gonna be
24 fps
standart canvas
Flash 8 version ok
Your part may contain sounds but background music will be selected by me and lalo
You need to use the pencil tool in flash and you must add illumination effects in white colored filtered lines over random points. it doesnt really matter where you put them it looks ok XD
you are not allowed to use the onion skining, and the erase tool. So just take them off your mind.
This collab is perfect for you if you dont really know how to draw because well, its a tribute and it doesnt really need to be very well drawn as long as you keep everything ACTIONY LOL, in other words if you have never in your life used a pencil or you dont know what frame by frame animation is you are completely qualified.
the deadline is one week from now
upload all your parts on and send them to me via pm. Also before taking any parts im gonna have to se an swf of that part so upload it on
I have already started my part and Im glad to say it looks exactly like a hulalaoo flash /player.php?file=6314oQ_Crazy_bus_bull ab.swf
beef make a part