hi fellas
Im a few hours away from taking a pretty damn long trip to a u.s.a near you.
I have never traveled to another country on my own and altough im kinda scared, I am excited about all this. its a weird sensation.
Im packing up as Im typing this. As I realize Im missing a lot of socks and underwear I cant help but think all the stuff Im going to learn going there. Im going to Seattle for some days to see the city, learn a bit about animation and probably meet a cool Ng associate and friend too who has threatened me to kick my ass in brawl when we meet. Im going to stay in a house with a buncha dudes Ive never in my life talked with. I hope they dont mind a tall mexican called "PANCHO RAMIREZ GUTIERREZ" amongst their leagues.
There are so many things going trough my mind right now. I graduated from (preparatoria) high school about a month ago and I still dont know what the fuck am I going to do with my life... Where to study... what to study, what do I want... or not. Its just so many hard decisions to make in such little time.
And I always knew this was coming but I just always wanted to postpone this toughts, try no to think about it. Its something weird. Its like a younger (and Ng associate) animator told me "I dont want to think about the future, all I want to do is just let me be me, and do little thingies :3" it is so fun to just make stuff for Ng and not feel compromised or forced to do it.
I dunno.....
In other news, my power of threesome thing is coming along nicelly. It is a bit time consuming but Im pretty sure It will pay off. I wanted to show you a pic but to be honest so far all I have is characters,ideas and sketches. and some of the actual game art and interfase will probably be replaced later on.
Well. Im pretty much done with this post.
wish me luck!
.p.s. god dammit america how can you guys live without alcohole until 21 dammit WHAT AM I GOING 2 DO.