Responsability is what gives life meaning


Animator- Designer-

Digipen Institute


Joined on 3/25/06

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Emanhattan's News

Posted by Emanhattan - October 2nd, 2010

man I miss fuckin mexicans. I miss going to drink with my homies and dancing with the ladies and partyn all night long. I miss a 18 yr old drinking age!
dont get me wrong americans are very very very chill and nice and everyone has been really cool to me BUT there is little to no partyin in the northwest.

I feel kinda sad about it really :<

what do you people do for fun thats not going into the internet and playing games? I AM A MAN WHO LIKES HIS DRINKS COLD HIS BITCHES HOT AND HIS NIGHTS LONG I CANT JUST PLAY TF2 FOREVER I NEED SOMETHING HARD COUR YA HEARD



A lot of people sent me angry PMS over a (now deleted) review I made in hulalaoos horrible madness movie (btw I still think it should not had won! but Im still not suprised it did). People calling me out with the usual "id like you see do BETTAR" or "well he knows flash u dont" (not realizing Ive actually done quite a few flash animations). But most people seemed to emphasise one thing: apparently I hate all flash cartoons in this site!
most of you guys call me out because I bitch a lot about people I dont like and because I write negative critique on bad cartoons, However, if you pay close attention to my reviews youll probably notice I like a lot of the stuff I see in Ng.

niga plez

Homesick+ Do I hate everything?


Posted by Emanhattan - September 19th, 2010

Posted by Emanhattan - September 11th, 2010

During my first week of living here I was having a blast. I feel like i fit a lot in this environment, and me and my roomies get along very nicelly. One of them is like my best bud around here. And my artwork has been getting a lot more better, and FUN. and I can work a lot more in a space that gives me a lot of freedom, time, and quiet.

But I cant help but feeling upset. And its not exactly that Im feeling homesick.

What I have come to realize lately is that I never truly valued the time I spent with some people back home and now that Im here I realized that a lot of friendships will end and there are a lot of people that I like that Im never going to see again.
I have always felt like a jerk for being unable to emotionally relate myself to people and for being a bit too careless about people who I love. I am a nice guy and I dont think im socially akward, but Im not a social butterfly. For me, hangin out with a few select people I TRULY care about is more important than having a bunch of friends who you can drink and party with.
But I like to experiment new things to get along with more people, specially now that Im out of Mexico and I feel like I have to be extra open minded about other peoples life habits.

I have been living out of my hometown for nearly 2 years now, moving from place to place, basically changing lives, styles, groups of friends, and clothing. Now, in adition to those things, I am changing my language.

I feel....terribly upset about not having someone to speak spanish with (outside of the internet). I had never tought this would be a problem but It actually is something I miss a lot. I think its because it sort of disconnects me a bit more from my roots than I want to.
I think im subconciously trying not to appear "mexican" to other people, in a way. Im not talking about denying the stereotype, but I fear people will reject and fear me because I was raised in a different cultural environment. I dont want to deny this part of myself to fit in better with people. EVEN TOUGH I AM AN EXPERT IN DOING THESE KIND OF CHANGES to fit in wherever I go.

I dont know where I belong anymore. Everyone in the world that I know of, knows a different me

Posted by Emanhattan - August 30th, 2010

Hey Ng crew n folks whats up

about a week ago I moved to Seattle, Washington (im living with a friend). Decided to drop out of ITESM (btw ill bitch and whine about why I quit that school in one of my future posts. I dont want other aspiring mexican artists to fall for it). I got accepted in a school called digipen in redmond wich charges me about the same ammount I was being charged for at ITESM, except im convinced the education is nfinitelly superior. Luckily enough I got a scholarship that can allow me to do this move at this time (I hope the economy doesnt fuck up even more later on). It was a very hard decision for me but I think eventually Ill be pretty happy with what I did. Even though its kinda hard to say goodbye to family and good friends, I still feel that this move will help me achieve my goals. But I am glad to say americans in this zone are pretty chill with mexicans :) theres a lot of cultural diversity in this part of the united states, and from the 3 times Ive been here Ive never felt... "different" or "offended" so to speak.

Quoting my bud rtil"Hey man this aint arizona we love our illegals here!" lmao rtil


I hate when people pay some "special attention" to me, in both a good or bad way. A very nice lady on a bus was talking to me not too long ago and asked me if we had spongebob in Mexico :/
Idk people take some special interest in me because I was raised in a different community.
When I tell most people I was born in mexico they wonder why am I not wearing a sombrero and ask themselves where in my clothes am I hiding my machete.

(Speaking about machetes... Im kinda excited about Rob Rodrigues´upcoming movie "Machete".If you liked Grindhouse (grindhouse being Death proof + Planet terror) youll probably also enjoy this.)

/* */
but back on topic...

I think that my art has been significanly more productive/better/more fun since I moved. You know sometimes you just need a quiet place to work! and My house in Mexico is reallycrowdy and noisy and the phones dont stop ringing. Its bad for art and bad for my nerves and its just ffff so as you can imagine im kinda in my place of ZEN right now.
Ive been working a lot on my sketchbooks doing as many cartoon designs and life drawings as possible. I think art-wise this has been a pretty great summer for me cuz I havent stopped drawing for months, as opossed to my last december vacations. But yeah Im drawing a LOT and Im trying to truly create the habit of drawing daily as a necessity, just like breathing air.

I havent really done a lot of stuff in flash. Once again, im trying to put animation aside until I truly feel in control of my drawing. But there are a few things ive been doing.
Hell I think ill show you some....

this is kinda gay
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c8 136714b6fd388dccff630a26332692

fanart of my favourite quentin tarantino movie
http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/47 b8dd3eb39572d24e9e4320d15ef264

Eventually I will try to post some of my sketches/traditional art. unfortunatelly I didnt bring a camera with me and I dont have a scanner here :/

wish me luck at my new school/life!


Posted by Emanhattan - June 14th, 2010

Is chicken run

Posted by Emanhattan - May 24th, 2010

Summary of every single Vete a la Versh episode:


¨written and animated by ffffff"

in other news here is a video of me fighting a fat person

/* */
New cartoon from me comin up in a few days but wont release until I can fp post again

the shading in Vete a la Versh makes my eyes bleed

Posted by Emanhattan - May 14th, 2010

I got my first job last weekend. My job interview went smoothly, started at 6pm being interviewed by the entire ildom Team and then having some beers and awesome kebabs later, boss´s treat. Esentially I will be working as a flash animator/artist in charge of making some sprites for the Virtual society Ildom, wich will be launched in late 2010.

Today is oficially my first day of having finished my second semester of Animation/digital arts here at ITESM. I have lately found myself in a lot of luck,I got some pretty nic grades and these last semesters I have got myself closer to people in my career/town and just trying to be more chill in general, cause really, I know I am kind of a big asshole both on and offline, but Ive been trying to just learn to be more kind with others, with outstanding results... I think the cause of my change of being and newfound umm... "perspective" of things are these 2 amazing books.

Irving Stone´s Lust for life: the life of vincent Van Gogh: is a very interesting and engaging novel-biography about the tortured but brilliant artist Vincent van Gogh, revolving around the relationship of Vincent and his brother Theo. Amazing book, beutifully told and with often memorable quotes and toughts, you should all read it.

La version en español esta chidilla tambien!

the other book I read, wich I found very tought provoking is "the four agreements". In mexico it is called "los 4 acuerdos" by Miguel Ruiz. The book is very short and I really dont want to spoil it but esentially the book is about the power of words in the human mind and how words can enslave of free a person beyond their own imagination. Generally I look at this kind of stuff and cathegorize it as bullshit, probably cause I red a lot of bullshit like this in juior high, but this book was pretty different, its been for some time now and im amazed I had never actually read it, cause I found a lot of really important truths in it and I think this book has actually had a big impact on myself and my relation with my family and friends. Easy to digest in about 3 or 4 hours. def. recommend it 2 u!

Ok puting this SHIT aside, vacations are here and now I have time to actually finish "vincent in the land of blues: a cartoon that could have been made in 4 hours but took a year and a half to made because Emanhotformen is a fucking faggot who cant just sit in his computer and finish it without feeling hungry and going to the local 7 eleven and then getting lost or simply forgetting what the fuck was he doing with flash open or maybe he just goes takin a nap OR plays team fortress 2 with these other internet people lol!".

But hey, I did make an animation in class... a sprite animation using sprites of me and some other dude! its kinda weird for me because it is simultaneously something old for me and yet learing something new and doing a kind of animation I always wanted to do. I will put it up here later.. mayb!


Im hired! and new cartoon soon!

Posted by Emanhattan - April 30th, 2010

Hey que transa
feliz dia gente de newgrounds y feliz cumpleaños a Thomas Randolph Fulp :3

No hice ni animaciones ni nada pero al menos aqui les aviso en español para que este interesante el post

ugghh amaneci con una crudota de las de antes :a

Feliz dia de tom fulp

Posted by Emanhattan - April 21st, 2010

i might get hired soon!

Its true dudes and dudettes!

Just a few hours ago I recieved an email from a contractor who liked my portfolio and now im expecting an email with the schedule of my first job interview!!

Im very excited about this, could this be my first job (in my field)???

I have been able to see a glimpse of what they want me to do. Basically, if I get the job, i will be part of the production of a game/app for facebook and twitter. The game is kinda like a MMORPG except facebook/twitter based. I was only able to see a beta of it but I think it works with a similar mechanic as facebook (where you have credits and your friends can stay in touch with you and stuff like that).
Not being a very facebooky feller myself I still need to get more in touch with facebook and twitter these days so I can perform my job effectively.

Apparently I would work mainly on the visual aspects of the game, tough i dont know if i will have other duties. I hope they give me some good ol $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Speaking of $$ and $$$$$$$$ and being a sellout, I will aditionally be open for comissions real soon! I have always been a bit shy about it, but Im in the middle of a (kinda) economical situation right now and need to bring more money in.Plus im savin up for a very special series of trips I plan to do next summer.

I will shortly give more detailed information and set more contact methods trough deviantart and other sites, Ng included, just in case.

FLASH & arts

i dont know if you have noticed lately but I have been shying away from flash animation to focus on my digital and traditional artwork. Theres a small share of it here in Ng but mostly im putting them up on my deviantart. This means some of my older projects have been postponed a while longer. Vince the voodoo doll is near completition. i can mostly only work on it if I a)feel REALLY inspired b) have REALLY nothing better to do.

I have been taking quite a few "NUDEPEOPLE" classes to learn about the human body n stuff. I think this sounds cliche but It has actually helped me break away from a lot of my bad drawing habits.
I have to put this in words and admit it. So far, my carreer here at ITESM has actually been better than Id like to admit. There are some people with wicked talent in this place.
I have quite a few classmates who had never drawn in their lives until they came here and some of them already kick my butt at it. I think it has something to do with being "new" to this. As oposed to me,I have been repeating certain mistakes for years and I have a few unintentional cartooning habits by now. But I try to break away from those habits and its slowly paying off.
Plus most of the classmates I didnt like as mentioned in earlyer posts are long gone (or maybe i just notice them less?).

Either way Im just lettin you know Im not dead! I even submitted somethingto the art portal a few hours ago.

this post has been too nice I should probably say I hate a few Ng people but I have been a bit more distant from this site lately, so tell me whats new?

I might get hired soon

Posted by Emanhattan - March 31st, 2010

I havent done any new cartoons or progressed on any current ones all I do is play videgames all the time and everyday.

My parents say that its melting my brain just because i cant remember my name
I just wanna play videogames all the time and every day

just wanna play



wanna play


all the time

and everyday

i did a small sculpture of me btw

How to train your butt