omfg this is awesome! the game at the beginning is all I had to seee to give this a 10! i mean, his snots come out from his ears or something LOLOLOLOL
omfg this is awesome! the game at the beginning is all I had to seee to give this a 10! i mean, his snots come out from his ears or something LOLOLOLOL
muy bieeen!
solo una advertencia... tu sabes como los gringos son unas perras con eso de la calidad. y cometiste un error muy grave en el final. en lugar de "to be continued" pusiste "to be continue".
la calidad es excelente. tal vez no me gustan mucho las peleas de monitos de palo pero aun asi esta super bien.
you do realize of all the typing errors you did, .... right? there is one at the beginning, like.... 2 in the whole movie and one at the end. (perhaps the worse error because its the whole point of the movie)
muy bien muchachos, veo que ya vamos mejorando.
solo hay una cosa que me molesto... la animacion es MUUUY LENTA. mario volo como que.... 10 minutos?´en el futuro no la hagan de pedo.. solo vayan al grano.
por cierto.. (y tal vez es porque soy un ebrio desquiciado) como que el final esta muy equis... en lo personal yo pense que se iba a pegar con la piedra sobre la que estaba peach, y como etsaba punteaguda pos que se iva a abrir la cabeza y aca todo el chorro de sangre.
Y mis flashes no son raros!
>: D
¿por cierto... que pedo con la pagina? ya no hay nada!
its ok very good. probably the only DECENT quality movie I have seen today
well its the only SERIOUS submission I have seen the whole day
That music... from what game is it??????
oh. the comment... right.. umm... do you have fireworks instaled? because the grater part of the images were with a black box around them.
good job man, thanks to people like you now there is a whole colection of this!
I was thinking of making one too.
I think is ok. and YOU are 14 years old?
dude I need a webcam quick!
Responsability is what gives life meaning
Animator- Designer-
Digipen Institute
Joined on 3/25/06