lmao its great
I love how that kids hand has 6 fingers its so gross lmfao
lmao its great
I love how that kids hand has 6 fingers its so gross lmfao
hey this is very nic
this girl has a very nice design and illumination. I love the clothing as well!
the only thing thats bothering me, if anything, is her left leg, it feels weird like theres something wrong on below her knee.
But thats probably just me, you prbably drew it like that because thats how it worked the best.
nice galery
is beautiful in so many levels
tan pronto como vi el pequeño icono sabia de quien se trataba!
dios mio oscar la neta con el tiempo te has vuelto bn cabrbrion para los dibujos!!
bastante genial diseño e iluminacion.
james rolfe es realmente un bicho raro del internet y se merece su tributo!
hahaha, coye es un halago que hayas reconocido quien es por el icono, significa que salio bien el dibujo XD gracias
too cute
this hitler makes me want to squeeze his little nazi cheeks!
no matter how many times I see this it still makes me laugh!
really cure
gotta love the little extra details like that thing for perspective and that mouse
very nice illumination
excelent texture on the clothes and nice effects with a red- based illumination.
only issue is the "evil side" eye, but it looks like that was what you were aiming for so I wont take points off that.
really nice job, keep it up man!
don't suppose you'd be interested in scouting me or anything there, wouldja?
realllly noice sir
I like our style so much man. Its like a very unique form of making gothic stuff.
It looks very urban yet so elegant. you know what I mean?
nice job keep it up!
muchas gracias, mon ami
joe this is just phenomenal
I love how his head looks like a fucking pear WHAT
Responsability is what gives life meaning
Animator- Designer-
Digipen Institute
Joined on 3/25/06