
961 Movie Reviews

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incredibly amazing

all the edd cartoons are greatly written, wich is why they have so much success

your voiceacting

is pretty awesome. the art is very simple but it does.

as for the "ehem" cock* reference in that picture....welll a bit sick

it has almost nothing to do with edd egg-the character


who did the first clip because it was awesome in any way.

in doctorclays clip the toad's "voices" sounded like CRAP and didnt match what was happening

some clips were crap because the author didnt put music or sound in them

VintageBro responds:

Tis brilliant, yet there's alot wrong?

i love happy harry toons

your style is fricken wicked dude. I love it!

next to jimmys pickles, best thing you have

spam cartoon

If newgrounds was my page i would probably ban all you guys from sending movies.

Not only was the title totally unrelated, but the quality of the cartoon was lame and made without any effort whastesever. and omg you are like 7 dudes. It was about time you made something good

The-DeadDuck responds:

it's not like anyone besides me got anything to do with this flash

best parody!

I love this flash. I cant believe it got dayly 4th. this should be dayly feat

E pinga what the fuck X D

this is perhaps the only animation in el-cids portfolio that defeats babmee.

hey snake.. to get in there, you have to crawl... like a snake : D (and hes all happy like its the best joke ever).

HAHAHA LOL MEXICAN BIRTHDAY!!???? that explains why it is on flash portal history

estas soooon las mañanitass.

this flash is like... one of those fucked up things that you like forever..... i dunno....

look. im gunna give you a 10 and a 5.

gracias señor por este cagadisimo e inexplicablemente gracioso flash.


Im gonna give you a good score because the artwork was awesome.... but being honest this flash disgusted me a lot. it was extremely nonesensical and violent and....

( this is not an insult, im saying this from the bottom of my heart)

you need serious psichological attention. if I showed this to a psychiatrist he would probably say the author has some kind of mental issue.

I mean... LOOK AT IT MAN! ¿what do you think about your animation....?
be honest, do you think a sane person would make such a thing?
you probably are exposed to some kind of crazy,dugaddict or violent environment. I dunno.

the animation was smooth. but its perhaps the only animation in newgrounds that scared me when I saw it. And.... (please dont erase my review) I never want to see it again. Its that gross

Catoblepas responds:

It's very easy to gategorize people who think differently as insane.

wow esta genial!

Nunca habia visto este flash, me gusto much! esta bien gracioso lo de las balas en la cueva hahahaha

lo UNICO que te baja puntos es... lo de siempre...... "Mortehf**ker" o "ha-ha " de nelson.

de ahi en mas. perfecto

ThePigeonMaster responds:

jaja gracias de nuevo, y no te preocupes, no hare ningun chiste mas de motherf*cker o el sonidito del abusivo de los simpson.
No puedo creer ke hice un flash asi en tan solo 3 dias :D

Responsability is what gives life meaning


Animator- Designer-

Digipen Institute


Joined on 3/25/06

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