#sorry mate. better learn this from me now than of Rtil or blordow when they see it.#
This toon follows ashfordpride's tradition of adding sound clips from movies like austin powers, FUTURAMA (why did you use that song????) and other popular sitcoms and movies....
seriously. THIS was not hilarious. it was just one of those flashes that have been done 27 times.
AND i hate jerry seinfeld. even more if its on flash. (face it people jerry is a stuck up jerk)
Seriously this just got a good score because of all the monkey humored people out there that believe using clips from movies is hilarious n shit.
shame shame shame.
and in case you are wondering.....
AND I DONT HATE SPRITES N STUFF i am a sprite animator but still this flash was very low in humor (even for a sprite flash.)
I dont know what else to say. just please do something original dont use stolen material!