its pretty cool
but I died very easyly. I dont know if thats just me. some music would be greatly apreciated
its pretty cool
but I died very easyly. I dont know if thats just me. some music would be greatly apreciated
very fun game
I liked the sprite of snake, it was funny haha.
however I would have loved variety on the enemies.
im 172 on the list. "emo" I only played for fun intil i realized that was all the game had to offer.
172 isn't that bad
no hace falta decir que el actionscript es muy bueno, la musica funciona a la perfeccion, y Tiene TODO lo que necesita un buej juego. el gameplay es sencillo y genial. ADORO juegos de esta categoria!!
Como es un test esntiendo que no tenga el fondo o las animaciones sufieientes, pero cuando lo hagas aca... en bonito.... NO.... wey esto va a ser de flash portal history. Tienes todo mi apoyo.
si necesitas diseño en las plataformas o cualquier cosa de arte o animacion, me dices.
una cosa. estaria bien chido que hubiera una animacion sobre como mario se transforma en trofeo cuando se muere o algo asi. como cuando te mueres en el smash real.
¿quien es ese misterioso personaje todo azul?????? OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
de ahi en mas no tengo nada que decir. A bueno no se si puedes escribir brawlest haha.
Es Tabuu, no encontre otro sprite de el
It works in theory
but you do realize your fire doesnt look like a fire
its cartoon/realistic
very useful we should team up. you do the code stuff and I will do art n shit what you say?
even better than the original
but dude didnt you say you were leaving the zombie thing for a while? I once saw a post of yours saying that you were doing a fighting gme or something. and that the last stand 2 would wait a year almost.
This must bee the lowest scoring game ever to win dayly feature no offense.
its kinda repetitive but the effort can be seen
used to have a score of 3.89 xD
it was very simple
But I tought it was gonna be a sceamer and it wasnt so you get a few extra points for that.
I cant give you a high score porbably you did this in a day or less
I made it in 20 minutes
the game has a lot of potential
iT DOES it has a lot of potential but you leaved the quality to die with that background put so rashly and other stuff.....
If you really put your effort into this you will create a great game. please dont leave it like it is
works perfectly
but has an idiotic mistake no offense.....
If you dint move your ship. YOULL NEVER GET HIT!!!!
hope you fix this thing because you do have talent. just made a small mistake
What do you mean exactly? Whenever I play and don't move the ship I still eventually get hit.
Responsability is what gives life meaning
Animator- Designer-
Digipen Institute
Joined on 3/25/06