After a post by chris o neal, many artists wrote stuff on his page.
one of the most respected artists in newgrounds;Rtil, wrote a comment there. and after watching the response he got, I couldnt help but writing some things to him.
I hope you share my opinion about his.
here is what I wrote to rtil a few minutes ago, please read it and comprehend it:
hello there. I just read your comment on chris O neals page.
Yes. EGORAPTOR has caused a massive flow of piece of shit animations.
he said the awesome series was over, THATS A LIE, I see more "awesome" cartoons today than before!
not only did he made a ninja gaiden padory, but also chris made another piece of shit parody of GTA.
not to mention brawl shitz.
People of this site dont spot the diference between being jealous and being sane. I am not jealous of egoraptor and those guys. and Im sure you are neither.
Its just sad that you are part of the select human population with a brain stem developed enough to notice that.
Egoraptor is a cancer amongst us. and cancers dont cure.
I see a million artists turn down every day because they dont make "awesome" cartoons or stuff thats related to videogame parodies. heck. including me. But I want out, I really want to create my own cartoons.
Its sad. REALLY sad.
well. off to make awesome cartoons. I really want frontpage. seeyas.
Wether egoraptor wanted it or not, he has become a bad example for all of us.
If you think that making videogame parodies is better than making your own stuff. fine.
Eventually you will find out that you are wrong.
- Emanhattan.
I wrote all that stuff because I was pissed off at Chris´s post. I over reacted, and I was a bit rude sometimes.
hey egoraptor, if you are there reading this stuff... Im sorry man.... Its just that... I like your movies, I like them a lot, and they make me laugh. but... you really have caused a feeling of.... lazynes and selling out.
Look what you did to chris. he has now became the videogame whore no one in newgrounds wants to be. I hope you understand this one day.
Egoraptor is probably making a ton of money off his stuff. As for all the other people basically just ripping his style to make their own video game parodies... let them do what they feel like. It won't get them anywhere, so who cares?