Responsability is what gives life meaning


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Digipen Institute


Joined on 3/25/06

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Egoraptor is probably making a ton of money off his stuff. As for all the other people basically just ripping his style to make their own video game parodies... let them do what they feel like. It won't get them anywhere, so who cares?

If you want to interpret it that way.

I can tell you stories of people who do things like this because of GOOD artists, thinking they'll never be as good and popular as them and end up selling out to themselves.

If you want to reprimand me because I do things I like and sutff happens as a result, good or bad, whatever.

If you do it, its cool. but now everyone has seen your success and copies your style

I wouldn't mind grand theft awesome that much if it was actually funny

mmm-.... pues a mi me gustan los cortos de egoraptor, nunca he estado celoso... y no me gustarĂ­a copiar su estilo. lo siento por chris y todos aquellos que lo hicieron.


it's so stupid...and sad. Ego does it because it's fun and he's good at it - he's got humor and voice acting. They rip off his stuff...and most of the time awesome movies that he didn't make aren't good...at all in my opinion, yet they get Daily Feature/weekly whatever and maybe more? ridiculous...

I don't care that they aren't putting their heart and soul into it because obviously if every flash had to be gold, there would only be like 10 submissions every few months, it's just...why can't they have SOME sort of originality? Why can't the viewers be smarter? Why 5 because your favorite character was in it even though you didn't like anything in the cartoon? Why blam because they left out something you wanted???

it's not the artists that makes me sad, it's the freakin voters.

But I think that the Chris guy's post is just really really pathetic. He has stated he enjoys doing his own cartoons, he's got ideas, he has all these things, but he's going to stop and make vid game parodies JUST because he wants fucking views and awards??? WTF can that get you? NOTHING! This just newgrounds, have fun, ppl...seriously. Being on newgrounds front page is not a big deal...at all. Sad sad...just make something you like.

If you enjoy vid game parodies, cool, make 'em, if you have sweet original ideas that you want to make happen, cool, do it up, but seriously...why just sell out when there's no gain at all? I mean, come on - "Yay, I'm not having much fun making these parodies, I'd rather have real fans and make my own stuff, but wooow look at my newgrounds awards and blog comments!" T_T

yeah. its really pathetic.In what moment making things that you like became less important than winning awards?

p.s. one important thing you mentioned. Yes. being frontpaged is not that big deal. You have to enjoy making movies. really transform it into a nice learning experience for you. dont think about the views and trophys. yeah its nice to get them but come on

i found brawl taunts funny :[

me too. buts its still overrated

man, chriss newspost actually made me angry.

fishsticks fishsticks
very good to eat
fish sticks fish sticks
what a delicious treat
fish sticks fish sticks
gotta gotta gotta gotta get some

your breath will smell funny dont do it

I'm going to do something about it, wait and see.....

ooo mysterious

It's just the way you look at everything. I find the constant hatred towards a few select artists, simply do to their succes and following, a bit crude. Why bother hating Egoraptor? He surely didn't want his movies to have this effect on people, and he surely doesn't deserve all the shit he's been getting. I admit, there's nothing I hate more then total crap spilling out of the portal, but that's no reason to blame the content on another animator. Some of the "Awesome" parodies are ACTUALLY kind of good, let me stress the word "some" though, hehe. You can tell Egoraptor is getting quite better with his animation quality. Ninja Gaiden itself was pretty well done, short may it be.

Movies like "Brawl Taunts" and "More Brawl Taunts" were funny at first, I'd say most people got a good laugh from them... -But like most I'd say it's been overdone, and played out. Both of them recieved over-the-top scores and remain in the Top 50 as of now, or atleast one of them is. Most of the anger fired at these two movies is caused mainly by the swarming mass of brawl fanatics. Did I like them? Yes. Were they good? Yes. Should they stay on the front page for the rest of existence? Probably not.

I'm too lazy to finish this, I'll add more later.

I should probably spell check it too, but whatever.

yeah come back later, It looks like ou understand my concern. we all are concerned about this.

you dumbass. what don't you understand about "Im taking a break from origional stuff". i tried to make gt awesome lazy and badly drawn, because its a tribute to egoraptors awesome series, and i even said i'm not gonna draw like that anymore. so stop attacking egoraptor and myself, because it has nothing to do with him, and also because unlike your sprite collabs, my cartoons (even gta) had at least some effort put in, unlike yourself, you hypocrite.

Even my sprite parodies are better than your super cartoons. And I am evolving and practicing to stop making sprite things.

you on the other hand.... are devolving...

and yes your cartoon was somewhat funny. but it was also overrated.

dont try to put me as an excuse for your lack of persistance.

its the internet oney-sephiroth!!!!!!!!!!!!

first of all.

your critisizing the art itself. not anything behind it. also, whether people like ego's work or not isnt your problem.

complaining about a popular series that doesnt seem to deserve it will get you nowhere, seriously. also, explaining that the movies were a "bad example" and a disgrace to newgrounds is a bit hypocritical from when you said "dont get me wrong, i love your movies".

i admit, they are cheaply made speedily made parodies that are regarded highly by the hype. and YES, i have made a few awesome spoofs myself to see if the hype would really take off, and it DID.

oh, and thanks for insulting my sprite animations on meatwadsprites post! asshole >:(

but hard feelings aside,

i really dont care what you think about awesome movies, and since complaining about it isnt doing much, stop.

let the hype of awesome subside on its own. dont try to tear up fans dreams, let them have thier fun.

its already a known fact that ego diddnt put much effort in the origional awesomes, and it was intended to be pretty crappy.

but what you were implying is that the art in the awesomes matters more than the humor.

newgrounds isnt supposed to be the most artistic place on the planet. thats for deviant art.

i mean... look at tomfulp. he is a complete fan badlydrawndawg. he's also not a huge artist himself, BUT he's regarded for making newgrounds. and he helped pass "B".

so, ending this long-ass comment ill just say this.


I wasnt refering to your parts

um... egorapter make his movies with that crappy style becouse thats what we expect couse well ... the crappy style is funny to most people but newgrounds shouldint bag on u cous u dident like a flash or something like that

ps ur rite when some people copy his style it usuly ends up bieng crap al though ive never seen grand theft awesome so i wouldnt kno if it sucks

ppss brawl tounts rulz BITCH AND SO DOES EGO RAPTER

and u know what (dont take this personly) ur not qweat the artist ether (but ur still pretty good) and secendly dante224 rulz MAN

and diddent u get baned for a 2 days